Being single does not mean there is something wrong, it just means choosing to dance to a different type of love song.

Yes, I am single, but that is not a bad thing
Just because I haven’t birthed any babies, nor am I wearing a wedding ring
Yes, I am single, but that doesn’t mean I have the plague
Or am hard to get along with, or am Negative Nancy every day
I am single, by choice believe it or not
You see, I’ve had a wedding ring or two, so I know about love knots
I’ve been head over heels, smitten, and love sick, too
And though both marriages ended, I am not desperate, tainted, or blue
Now, some may think that I am tainted a bit
Because I choose not to give in to their desires, they think I don’t know how to submit
Others think I have too many layers to travel through
But tell me, don’t you take your time when it comes to trusting people with your heart, too?
Yes, I am single, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have a purpose
I just want to clarify for all of those who think single is synonymous for acrimonious
Single is not always bitter, bored, or bothersome
Single is often pleasant, learning new things, and adventuresome
Yes, I am single “again” as some may say
But, for me, it is enlightening, engaging, and exciting in some sort of way
Sure, there are moments when I would like to have that ‘special one’ to share some news
But being single, means telling whom I want, in the order I choose
Being single means hang gliding, hiking, and travelling without a schedule conflict
Being single means spending time with family, friends, and whomever is in the mix
Being single does not mean I have time to do all your work or be your free counselor
Being single does not mean I am always available for whatever comes up because your planning is poor
Being single does not mean I am supposed to do all the grunt work on the team
Being single does not mean I do not have a voice, nor am not supposed to be seen
Being single does not mean I have to, want to, or need to impress
Being single actually comes with a lot of freedom and openness
Being single has helped me start living life on ‘my terms’ and in ‘my way’
Being single has reminded me that I love me with my perfect imperfections like a rose bouquet
I love each petal, yes, these are the layers I mentioned before
For each petal protects the next, carefully choosing who is allowed through the door
Being single is not for the faint of heart, it’s true
But just because I am single, don’t think I don’t matter, don’t feel, don’t aspire, or won’t achieve as much as you.
Single, not in a relationship, whatever the label may be
Currently not dating, yep, they all apply to me
Not looking, but enjoying life, and the journey God has me on
Though some may think, I am just another woman who is scorned
But that’s because they cannot manipulate, intimate, or instill fear
For when you’ve been to hell and back, God’s warnings, you learn to hear
Not scorned, just no tolerance, for the deceit, malarkey, and games
Still loving and kind, but these layers some can’t handle, though I make it plain
No excuses, no crutches, just real talk from the heart
But yes, I am guarded, but then isn’t everyone from the start?
So yes, I am single, and I am happy with this status
For I have been reminded of how much I enjoy me even in my singleness
I don’t need anyone to complete me for God has made me whole
And when or IF God sees fit, He will allow my Boaz to love me soul to soul
Now, I’m not looking, as I stated before, for now; that’s just not my top priority
However, when the season changes, I know God will allow my Boaz to find me
Until then…Yes, I am single.
Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little.
~ Philippians 4:11-12 (NLT)