The Lord demands accurate scales and balances; he sets the standards for fairness. ~Proverbs 16:11 (NLT)
Poised confidence is secure in who they are, who’s they are and the path they are on.
Poised confidence recognizes the importance of strength, power, security and wisdom
Poised confidence trusts God completely, believes God wholly, and checks alignment with God consistently
Poised confidence follows God’s directions, heeds His instructions, and takes time for self-reflection
Poised confidence walks boldly in God’s power, operates in God’s authority and ensures negativity is devoured
Poised confidence has composure in difficult situations and circumstances.
Poised confidence responds letting God’s Holy Spirit lead instead of following the fleshly creed.
Poised confidence keeps writing in the sand when judgement is being demanded by man (John 8:1-11)
Poised confidence allows wisdom to guide instead of letting emotions command from the inside
Poised confidence walks in humility and always makes sure God gets the glory.
Poised confidence lives out gentle answers in response to anger (Proverbs 15:1)
Poised confidence hears what is not being said and prays those hurt places are unable to spread
Poised confidence recognizes anger comes from a place of hurt and chooses instead to avert
Poised confidence quells intentional pain with answers that heals instead of answers that drain
Poised confidence prays with expectation (Psalm 5:3)
Poised confidence has faith to believe the mountains will be moved
Poised confidence trusts God that every word of the Bible is true
Poised confidence is transparent and open enough to allow unrighteousness to be removed
Poised confidence understands the power and importance of being silent (Proverbs 28:11)
Poised confidence recognizes not every answer requires a response
Poised confidence has learned to pray before providing any type of correspondence
Poised confidence is okay being the only one silent
Poised confidence recognizes that building others up creates unity and community (Ephesians 4:29)
Poised confidence can assemble easily without losing one’s identity
Poised confidence speaks life into others with authenticity, with pure support and no toxicity
Poised confidence gives cheerfully, inspires selflessly, encourages continuously, and mentors tirelessly
#PoisedConfidence #ChristianWriter #FaithBlogger #Writer #Poet #Poetry #Prose #Encouragement #BeatificallyFree