Palatable positioning prepares you for prosperity in every area of your life by challenging yourself to be better. When was the last time you looked at your Financial Plan for your savings, Emergency Fund, ways to reduce debt, or even for retirement? Are there Financial Shifts you need to make in your attitude towards money? Often, you are so busy in your routine that you don’t Disconnect for Downloads needed to replenish your mind, your spirit, and your body.
Reading and learning during your leisure time can position you for professional advancement. This in combination with leveraging your company's willingness to invest in education can work to your benefit. Let’s say you are in Marketing, but you have not yet grasped the Social Media Marketing methodology. Reading about it, watching YouTube videos about it, and even attending FREE Webinars in combination with finding a local Social Media Marketing conference that your company would sponsor for your professional development let’s your management team know you are interested in advancing the company further. It also proves beneficial if you are growing your own business. This type of palatable positioning cultivates the mind and is a win for the company you are working for and could lead to a promotion; but it also positions you for not only leveraging the information for your business, but also freelancing for other businesses.
Palatable positioning for your emotions keeps you in touch with your feelings without trying to manage situations that are out of your control and causing you frustration or anger. If you think about it, often, the things that cause anger or frustration are the things beyond your control, like other people’s behavior or some job situations like mass layoffs. When your heart is at peace, controlling your emotions is so much easier to do. It doesn’t mean you don’t get angry or irritated, it just prevents you from becoming enraged or depressed. How is your heart? Is it time for an upgrade to keep your emotions in check?
Palatable positioning prepares you for prosperity, but you must put in the work. Are you ready to upgrade every area of your life? Identify ways you will commit to putting in the work for each area of your life.
I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. ~Romans 15:13 (NLT)