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Looking Ahead

“But forget all that—it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.” ~ Isaiah 43:18-19 (NLT)

#LookingAhead #Declarations #BeatificallyFree

Sometimes plans work according to their projections and sometimes they don’t.

Sometimes solutions will come easy, and sometimes they won’t.

At all times lessons from the past prove valuable in the present.

At all times, current praying and planning yields future results for time well spent.

Create a declaration for each area of your life

That 2020 will purposefully be without strife

That the things that matter, will have your attention

And that you will prioritize with prayer, passion, and intention


I am walking into 2020 knowing my worth.

I was predestined for greatness from before my birth.

I am shattering old limiting beliefs and thoughts that are binding

I am letting my light shine so brightly that it is blinding


I am forgiving anyone and everyone I thought I may have already forgiven

I am allowing space between those who can’t handle me being driven

I am releasing those who’s opinions carried too much selfish weight

I am welcoming new relationships that come through God’s Holy gates


I am keeping God first in every single decision

I am seeking God for his guidance and His wisdom

I am acknowledging my faults and shortcomings to prevent division

I am faithfully trusting God in every area of my life for his provision


I am positioning myself, so money comes easily to me

I am planning and budgeting for long term sustainability

I am praying about decisions great and small

I am proving myself ready for God’s steady financial windfall


I am committing to regular exercise and ample sleep

I am welcoming the pace that works best for me

I am focusing on my routines, my plans, and not yours

I am embracing greater strength, muscle tone, and a solid core


I am being proactive in my meal prep for the week

I am paying attention to the foods that make me weak

I am finding recipes and smoothies that feed my body

I am supporting this temple God blessed me with so graciously


I am boldly moving forward on my professional course

I am open to the unknowns ahead as I trust God as my source

I am calling into action relationships and partnerships too

I am releasing my doubts daily, so my God-given vision remains in clear view


I am navigating the alignment God has set aside just for me

I am not trying to keep up with anyone else’s routines or decrees

I am paving my own way as the royal priesthood I am

I am walking surely, confidently, and wisely with the one and only I AM

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