We often set goals for tangible things around quantity. We have goals for savings, debt reduction, subscriber count, followers, attendance, and sales. However, what about metrics for growth? How do you measure growth in certain areas? Is it determined by passing a test, gaining a certification, or do you even track it at all?
It's easy to get caught up in goal setting and making sure they are SMART goals which is a great way to measure. However, when it comes to quality relationships, is it really the quantity or the quality and how do you measure the quality? Some relationships remain stagnant or plateau though the individuals may live in the same house or talk to one another daily. Do you base it on how many trips you go on? How many investments you have? Or the experiences you create and the memories you make?
When it comes to your career path, do you set goals based on the number of trainings you complete? The number of trainings you pass? Or the quality of the material that you actually apply within your role? You can have several degrees and certifications and still be the worst leader, communicator, or entrepreneur out there because the content of the material is not being applied. How do you track your personal career growth? If you are happy being stagnant, then great, but if you want to continue to learn and grow gaining new skillsets and qualifications that will open doors for you, how are you doing that? Do you only read to be entertained or do you read to gain perspective? Do you only watch movies or do you catch some documentaries or autobiographies of people you categorize as successful to see how they attained their success?
We often set weight goals which is great, but what about strengthening our muscles and working on cardio and endurance in addition to losing/gaining the weight? And don't forget the nutritional adjustments to help supplement the weight strategies. Often, it is the bad report from the Doctor that makes us take an interest in our nutritional and exercise choices, but even if we are consistently inconsistent, making a proactive effort can prevent the need for a reactive effort after the diagnosis, or even prevent the diagnosis all together.
Perspective is everything and the way we look at goals helps determine our outcomes. If we sit back and wait for a better job or a promotion, but we do not put in the effort to learn new skillsets, or gain a better understanding of leadership strategies, then the better job or promotion may not come or be delayed.
Perspective is everything and the way we treat our relationships now determine the quality of them later. If we are wishy washy, selfish, or treat people poorly now, those same people may be the decision maker for you later on. How many times have we seen people dismiss others because they didn't do what they wanted them to do, and then later, those same people who were dismissed were flourishing and prospering and there was nothing but regret for the ones who dismissed them? Or how many regrets are there from the one who treated someone poorly in a relationship and their eyes were opened when they were the receiver of that same treatment?
Perspective is everything and the way we treat our body will catch up to us in our later years when our metabolism slows, our bones feel the years of athleticism or obesity and our muscles feel the years of laziness or exercise. We have a choice in the way our bodies feel for the most part. Granted, there are ailments that appear or arise naturally, but there are also ailments brought on by inactivity, over eating, under eating, eating poorly, and foreign substances.
Perspective is everything and the goals we set for growth should be just as important as the goals we set for finances, recognition, and status. What are your growth goals for your relationships? Career? Skillsets? Consider the examples below as well as the Perspective video and leave comments so we can continue the conversation.
For Self:
Learning a new language - Set a date when you will be able to communicate in the new language at a beginner level. Establish accountability partners and a schedule for learning.
Building relationships - Start making consistent phone calls, being genuinely interested in their life, and creating experiences and opportunities to get together.
Career growth - Determine where you want to be, ask questions of those who are there, and set a learning schedule to gain the skillsets and possible entry experience to grow your skillset.
Entrepreneurship - Identify your weaker areas that leaves money on the table and research how to be better at it or hire someone to do that part for you.
For Others:
Establish yourself as the trainer, facilitator, or instructor, and create opportunities to teach individuals what you want to teach them. Be driven by how you can help them and not the amount you can charge them.
Volunteer in an area of interest or an area where you have identified a need in your community. This could be schools, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, pet shelters, group homes, adoption agencies and more.
Share what you have learned with new co-workers, newlyweds, or new/entry level individuals in your area of expertise.
Create the opportunity for the family dinners, reunions, gatherings without there having to be a wedding or a death to do so.
All of this requires work. All of this requires a desire to do so. But hopefully, this has given you a different perspective on being the catalyst instead of the complainer; being the difference maker instead of the negative nitpicker?
Being negative and providing reasons why we can't comes easy. How can you see the benefits and lead the way in why we can?
Perspective is Everything...
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