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Self Care That Is Not Selfish


Updated: Nov 24, 2021

Self-care is necessary to refuel and replenish in order to keep being a blessing to others.

Self-Care, the bandwagon everyone is on

However, many have motives worse than a con

They try to make you feel bad wrapping it in their “self-care”

But really, it’s warped because beneath it all, they are bare

That’s not the self-care we are talking about here

The kind that leaves no one out and is full of cheer

The kind that after being everything for everyone else

Finally, there is a revelation to take self off the shelf

So that finally, self-care can be set free

And bring about all goodness, happiness, and creativity

Self-Care that has put others first for so long

That the soul was longing for a truly happy song

Self-Care that has been to hell and back

Literally, wiping tears, and trying to stay away from that Cognac

Self-Care that finally remembered her voice

Along with the strength and courage to use it by choice

Self-Care that said “Enough is Enough”

And left them standing there as they saw her dust

Self-Care that embraced her perfectly imperfect flaws

Making decisions for her, despite naysayers and no applause

Self-Care that again was reconnected to the Lord, God, almighty

In such a way that she could hear from Him so clearly

Self-Care, my child is not selfish, she knew that message was for her

Because for so long, and somewhere along the way, her life became a blur

As she faded behind the shadows of the insecure and the needy

As she cared for others with her giving heart; the selfish and the greedy

As she packed everyone up and carried them along with their baggage

Out of the kindness of her heart, not seeing how they took advantage

She was blinded by ‘do good unto others’ and ‘giving without compulsion’

Until one day, there was this internal explosion

And she realized her “I’m tired, can we reschedule” was received with repulsion

And all of a sudden, she saw the need for decapitation

For just like the zombies in “Resident Evil”

She had to go for the head, and prove her “No’s” were not accidental

So self-care remembered the queen she is, a royal priesthood, ya know

Self-care that is not selfish had learned to selflessly star in her own show

Self-care learned that with each “No” she gained more strength

And that with each confrontation, courage and confidence grew at great lengths

Self-care began to blossom, bloom, and shine

And so the greedy, selfish, takers, started to become blind

So they could no longer find their refuge in her

For self-care erased those lines, so the path to HER was now a blur

Self-care embraced who she had become, again

And thanked God for helping her mend

Self-care showers herself like she should

While still caring for others, although sometimes still misunderstood

Self-care walks freely, with her head held high

Like the Christian she is, walking in oversupply

Self Care that is not selfish


Then Jesus said, “Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.” He said this because there were so many people coming and going that Jesus and his apostles didn’t even have time to eat.

~Mark 6:31 (NLT)

Click the image below for a downloadable guide - "3 Tips for Self-Care"

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